08-Workload of PGT | HRMS HARYANA - HRMS Haryana

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Thursday, 20 June 2019

08-Workload of PGT | HRMS HARYANA

Workload of PGT

Office Memo No: 4/33-2011-SE(4) dated 05/07/2017

workload of PGT

In this circular, the allocation of workload for all PGT in Haryana described fully.  In the office Memo No: 4/33-2011-SE(4) dated 05/07/2017, all guidelines regarding period allocation and section creation given in detail. 

This order contains following details :

  1. Section Norms 
  2. Period Norms
  3. Subject wise Weekly periods for classes
  4. Subject wise periods for classes 11-12

To view this order, Click on following link >>> WorkLoad of PGT

Important Points of the order :

School duration is 6.30 hours including 20 minutes for Prayers and 30 minutes for Recess.

  • All PGT shall be given maximum of 36 periods and Seconds post will be created after 40 periods.
  • Each section shall be of 40 Students and second section will be allowed after 50 students.
  • In case of excess workload, English can be teach by PGT of Arts Group and Hindi by PGT Sanskrit.

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Runi Sir


  1. What should be the minimum work load compulsoryly be given to a PGT, inform me if possible sir.

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